Ground Breaking!
30 June 2021
Groundworks have started at Basset Down. On the back of their recent appointment the main contractor, Padel Tech, have wasted no time in getting to work on the Swindon site.
The Edinburgh based company have deployed a full team of ground-workers and have already secured and mobilised the site and are now in the process of preparing the ground in readiness for the aggregate which will form the foundation base.
Dax Mellor, Padel4all Operations Director, commented;
“It’s great to see Ryan and his team onsite. I’ve been impressed at how much they’ve achieved in the first few days. The weather has been kind and we are making good progress”
The first phase of groundworks requires the removal of a layer of topsoil and a small ‘cut and fill’ exercise which will clear and level the site area down to a firm sub-base. All the spoil is being relocated on-site and will eventually be used to reshape the neighbouring golf course which will see it upgraded from a 9hole to a 18hole course.
The groundworks phase is expected to last approximately 6 weeks and will be followed by the installation of the specially designed canopy which will cover the courts.