Exclusive PadelPlus Event
5 December 2021
We’ve got lots going on this month so it’s time to save the below dates before the party season takes over!
On Sunday 12th of December we are hosting an exclusive open day for our PadelPlus members. Although we have only been open for a couple of months, we have enjoyed meeting new faces and watching your games flourish! As a thank you we would like to invite our members to a free game of padel with 3 friends (non-members) at Basset Down.
As an incentive, if any of your friends sign up to become members before the end of the year, then you and your friends will receive a free 1 hour group coaching session with our Head Coach, Steve.
If you would like to secure your time slot please speak with one of our team at the centre or email bassetdown@padel4all.com.
Looking ahead to later in December, mark your calendars for the 27th of December as we will be holding a festive, fun Christmas tournament. More details to follow but we hope to see lots of you on court during the holidays.
Hope to see many of you on court soon.